Sunday, August 9, 2015

Whitney is home and Johnson returns

Dear Family
I have gotten a lot of emails about how whitney gets home today. That is super weird and i am having a hard time that i cant be there to give her the biggest hug after mom gives her the biggest hug... and also how i cant cry my head off because i havent seen her in forever. But... I am doing better things! haha I just feel kind of bad for her actually. That this whole experience just ended. But i am happy for her and wow!! Her last email i just read today really touched me. Whit, i hope i can be as amazing as you one day. you really are such a great example and you truly served with all your heart, might, mind, and strength... and as you said... Your mission has just begun :)
So i know everyone is super excited about whitney, but if you have a tiny bit of time to read this email i would appreciate it. haha just kidding.
So this week was good! We had a baptism marked... she was the 17 year old daughter of a less active we are working with... BUT her mom just sent her off to another island. Fogo. So we show up to her house to teach her one of the last lessons and she is gone. that was a little heart breaking for both of us. And after we had a lesson with Other less actives... A mom and her son... and at the beginning it was really rough... i think we were kinda taking it out on them because we were so upset. But in the end we finally forgot ourselves and the lesson was super powerful and the best part... Yesterday they BOTH came to church and a lot of the members really welcomed them back and i think they are on the path to reactivation! This moment just really showed me how the lord is doing his work. The 17 year old daughter... Cladmara.. was super prepared from what we saw and we were so excited for her, but the lord has other plans in her life. She returns in september and if i am still here we will definitely start teaching her again!
The rest of the week was full of little miracles. Lots of things fell through. I dont think we had a day where we even taught someone during the time they were marked but we just taught who was prepared and we had a lot of new investigators! This week was also super tiring... we had 2 divisions. I am not sure why... BUT divisions are super super tiring. The sisters are great but it is like added pressure to be on your best day! haha but we had great divisions this week. I really see how the sisters and working so hard and the different ways they teach and how i can get better. I ended up making goals with the sisters after divisions so now we are going to follow up with each other. We talked about how we really need to look outward as we serve. we are seeing our weaknesses all the time as we serve and come closer to Christ.. but if we focus on others we can see how weaknesses work themselves out and become strengths!
So with the subject today.. Johnson returned. The funny story of the week is we have this recent convert... Teresa. she is an old lady and she is such a missionary. I dont think she really understands exactly what we say all the time, but she sure understands the spirit. She is super strong. So we teach in her house a lot and pass by everyday and she has these two puppies. So we decided to call the more black one Johnson and the whiter one Coelho (my companion). And teresa didnt want to call them that but we just kept calling them that. haha and then she gave in and started calling them that too. So during a division when sister coelho and i were seperated someone came and stole Johnson!!!! It was super super sad!! it was funny because i was in another area so it just made sense, but it was sad that Johnson the puppy got stolen. So then after 2 days of hoping i gave up hope that Johnson would ever get home. BUT! Yesterday we came to teresas house and she was laughing and smiling and we saw Johnson sleeping on the porch! hahaha we were SOOO happy!
So then we had a lesson with a less active at teresas house.. and we used the analogy of how johnson left, but then johnson came back and how she can come back too! It was super great. But i know that if we leave or make mistakes for example, we can always return!
Also erika and vitor... UGH! Still no date for marriage. But today it is really going to happen... for real this time. haha. But sorry this email is super not spritual... Tomorrow is leadership conference and we have all the sisters coming from all the other islands and it is just a little crazy. i cant really think about what happened this week... but i love you all and i know this gospel is true!! I know that my savior lives and loves me. He lives and he guides his work and his church today. So anything is possible!
Sister Johnson

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